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If you are currently facing an issue within our payment gateway, please fill out the form on your right, and our support team will reach back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can also send an email to
Our support team operates Mondays – Fridays : 9am-6pm, closed on weekends and public holidays.

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+603 2261 4668
Our Location
Suite 2B-20-1, 20th Floor, Block 2B, Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Working Hours
Mon-Fri : 9.00 AM- 6.00 PM
Sat-Sun : Closed
Public Holidays : Closed
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
For Web Developer
Please, use HTTP POST method.
Please provide both the Request and Response URLs of merchant’s website.
Request URL is a page at merchant’s website that passes parameters for a payment page request to iPay88. Response URL is a page at merchants website that accepts payment status from iPay88 after the transaction.
You can use any valid credit card for integration purpose. Details required: credit card number, expiry date, CVV number and the card holder’s name.
Please, use the following amount for the respective currency code.MYR 1.00, USD 1.00, AUD 1.00, CAD 1.00, EUR 1.00, GBP 1.00, SGD 1.00, HKD 2.50, IDR 3,000, INR 15.00, PHP 15.00, THB 15.00, TWD 15.00.
Below are the common error messages returned and their respective descriptions :
Duplicate reference number – Do not reuse the Reference Number of a previous successful payment transaction.
Invalid merchant code – The merchant code does not exist.
Invalid parameters – Some parameters passed to iPay88 are invalid or empty.
Overlimit per transaction – You exceeded the amount per transaction that is assigned to merchant’s account.
Payment not allowed – The Payment method you requested is not allowed for the merchant’s account.
Permission not allow – Please, ensure the Referer URL is the same as the one registered with iPay88.
Status not approved – Merchants account was suspended or not active.
Please, use correct merchant code assigned to you and provide the Request URL to before the integration.
- Make sure the parameters are properly passed to iPay88 and you are able reach iPay88 payment page.
- Make sure you have implement security control on merchant response page. Example:
- Do a re-query on payment status for successful payment transaction.
- Compare the signature from iPay88 with your own.
Please send an email to to request these changes.
- Do not disconnect the Internet.
- Do not close the web browser while transaction is being processed.
- Do not click “Back” button on the web browser to avoid duplicate payment.
Please, contact your credit card issuer bank to check whether the card can be used for online purchases.
You can use any valid credit card for integration purposes. Details required are credit card number, expiry date, CVV number and the card holder’ s name.
You can use iPay88 Server Re-query function to query our database for transaction status.
For Online Shopper
iPay88 Internet Payment Service is operated by Sdn. Bhd. If you have an iPay88 and Sdn Bhd charges on your statement, it is very likely that you or someone in your household placed an online order with one of our merchants.
CVC/CVV2 is an anti-fraud security feature to help verify that you are in possession of your credit card. For Visa/Mastercard, the three-digit CVC/CVV2 number is printed on the signature panel on the back of the card immediately after the card’s account number.
* Card Verification Value 2 (Also known as The Visa three-digit code) is a name given by Visa for their 3 digit security code at the back of the credit card.
* Card Verification Code is a name given by MasterCard for their 3 digit security code.
The transaction confirmation email is automatically generated by our system and sent to the email address you entered while making your payment on online. We do not save this email and cannot resend it to you.
Please contact us directly for further assistance at +603 2261 4668 or
Please, contact the online store that you have ordered from, as they are responsible at all times for any queries relating to the payment and fulfillment of your order.
Please, contact the stores where the purchase was made. The store is responsible at all times for any queries relating to the payment and fulfillment of your order. Their contact details should be displayed on their website, or the store purchase receipt and on the transaction confirmation email. As a Payment Service Provider we only provide stores with the ability to accept card payments securely over the Internet. We do not handle the goods and we are not authorized to cancel orders or give refunds.
Please, contact the store where you made the purchase was made. If you have already contacted the online store and your query cannot be answered by any of the FAQs, please contact us at +603 2261 4668 or
iPay88 is told the payment amount by the store where the purchase was made. If the amount is incorrect, please contact the store immediately.
Please, contact the store where the purchase was made. The store is responsible at all times for any quieries relating to the payment and fulfillment of your order. iPay88 only provides stores with the ability to accept card payments securely over the Internet. We do not handle the goods and we are not authorized to cancel orders or give refunds.
To confirm the delivery timescale for your order, please contact the online store where order was made. The online store is responsible at all times for any queries relating to the payment and fulfilment of your order. You should find the online store’s contact details displayed on their website, the store purchase receipt, and on the iPay88 transaction confirmation email. If you have been unable to contact the online store you have purchased from, please contact us directly for further assistance.
iPay88 is a Payment Service Provider that enables businesses with an online store to accept credit card, Internet Banking and e-wallet payments securely over the Internet. It is the online store’s responsibility to confirm acceptance of your order, the delivery timescale, and to handle any queries you may have related to the payment and fulfillment of your order. You may check the delivery policy on the online store’s website.
This could be for many different reasons; however, iPay88 is not informed of the exact reason why the transaction has been declined. Reasons why your payment was declined include:
- Some of the card/personal details entered do not match the information held by your Card Issuer.
- You do not have enough cleared funds on your card to cover the amount of the purchase.
- Your card has been reported as lost/stolen and been cancelled by your Card Issuer.
- Your card has or is due to expire and has been replaced by your Card Issuer.
- Your card has recently been replaced by your Card Issuer but not yet activated.
- Your card cannot be used to pay for goods/services in a Cardholder-Not-Present environment (online/over the Internet).
- There may be a problem with your Card Issuer’s authorization system.
- You haven’t activated 3-D Secure (Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode) of your card.
- If you are sure that none of the reasons above apply to your payment attempt, we recommend you try again. However, should the problem persist, please contact your Card Issuer to find out further information. If this means you are unable to pay by credit card, Online Banking or e-wallet available on iPay88, please contact the online store directly to discuss the alternative payment options available to you.
If you received an email from with subject of “[Company Name] – [Product Description] Invoice”? i.e. “ABC Sdn Bhd ¨C Handbag Invoice”, it is because one of our merchants requested you to pay them online for your purchase via our service called iPay88 Email Payment.
You will receive transaction acknowledgment from iPay88 via email when you transaction was successful at iPay88 merchants’ store.
This may have happened because a legitimate shopper made a mistake when typing their email address, and you have received the purchase confirmation email by mistake, or it could be due to a fraudulent transaction. Please, contact your bank immediately to find out if any unknown transactions have taken place.